Industrial Solar Solutions

Our focus is on harnessing and maximizing the use of solar energy, which is particularly feasible in India. Our eco-friendly solar solutions will enable the commercial sector to reduce its carbon footprint in a phased manner. With ample sunny days throughout the year, industries can transform existing barren lands and spaces into solar plants to attain the ultimate self-sustaining stature in terms energy requiremnts.

We offer solar-powered solutions across various sectors. Our state-of-the-art rooftop solutions are designed to address the expectations of commercial and industrial buyers, offering them alternatives that would minimize their existing dependency on the electricity grid.

Right from designing and installation to maintenance, leaving you free to focus on your core business. All that is required is access to your unused roofs, and we’ll do the rest. However, before you commission a rooftop solar power plant, there are a few feasibility checks that you need to carry out. You can conduct these yourself or we can send our expert to check.

fully financed on-grid solar solutions combining the development, financing, construction, operation, and maintenance of solar rooftops & carports to commercial and industrial businesses, government agencies, and educational institutions of all sizes